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Himeji Castle

Every Day Should Be A Holiday

May and April in Australia are a little silly when it comes to public holidays - first there's Easter Friday and Easter Monday, then Anzac Day a few days after that, then Labour Day a week later. A veritable plethora of holidays, perhaps even enough to jolt the legions of corporate drones out of their protective comas for a few days. Of course, if I actually had a nine to five job, this would matter a lot more to me, but it's nice to see everyone smiling a little more than usual. It could just be the drugs though.

Something I've been noticing with much chagrin here in Brisbane has been just how insanely expensive everything has been getting. Food, rent, travel, cars, fuel, internet, clothing, it's just getting ridiculous. London I expected to be expensive, but $9 for a tuna steak at Woolworths? $10 for a bottle of Listerine? It's just madness, all engineered by tuna fishermen and the makers of mouthwash. As a result, I'm considering a swift change in profession, with my first product being a tuna-flavoured mouth rinse called "Fishterine".

In other news, I'm still doing the occasional bit of contract work and I also have Gold Class Matrix Reloaded tickets. Move along.