Go North, Young Man
I'd become quite used to Flatmate Adam's late-night phone interviews with UK companies, but when an actual job offer came up, big things started happening rather fast. He flies out in less than two weeks, which is barely enough time to pack up his stash of nature videos and his 9800 Pro, which I will certainly miss when Half-Life 2 comes out. When I first heard the news, I was filled with dread, since just about everything in the house belongs to him, and having to buy a new fridge / washing machine / couch / television while trying to save for Canada would be about as much fun as rectal surgery. He's actually leaving most of that stuff behind though, which is a great relief to me in my current mode. I wish him the best of luck in his coming adventure.
His imminent departure has started me thinking about my own journey to the land of the moose, and just how much will need to be done. Not to mention the staggering amount of rugby to be watched for the world cup.