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At Least We've Got the Bledisloe

Against expectations, the Wallabies beat the All Blacks 22-10 in the Rugby World Cup semi-final on Saturday. For me and other New Zealanders, it was a bitterly disappointing and all-too-familiar moment, just like the semi-final against France in 1999, and the final against South Africa in 1995. Being beaten by Australia this time around feels both better and worse - sort of like being kicked in the balls by a good friend instead of a complete stranger. Despite writhing around in a haze of pain, you're sort of glad it was them who put you down, at least until they say "Enjoy the flight home, mate."

Still, I'm not the kind of Kiwi who wears a "I support New Zealand and any team playing Australia" t-shirt. I'll be cheering loudly for Australia next weekend, particularly as they are facing off against England, who bored France into submission in the other semi last night. The English are the side that everyone loves to hate, particularly if you've lived in the UK for a few years. On top of their stodgy style of play, their snide coach, their insane media, their depressing weather and pudgy women, their fans started singing their signature tune "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" during the New Zealand vs Australia game the other night, which was just ludicrous. We can always hope their plane crashes into a mountain and they have to eat each other to survive, but I'll settle for them losing this Saturday.