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Himeji Castle

Holiday Seasoning

Hopefully you all had a great big fat Merry Christmas, with truckloads of food to delight your tastebuds and fill your blood vessels with arterial plaque. Katie cooked, and we gorged ourselves silly for the entire day. We went for a short walk in the evening down by the bay, but that was really just to shuffle everything around so we could eat more pudding. It worked, too.

We managed to catch the tail end of the post-Christmas sales here in Vancouver, dipping our toes into the mad melee just long enough to nab a decent TV. There were some pretty good prices for electronics and furniture around, but I'm fairly sure a lot of the stuff on sale was the same price as always, but with bigger, more hysterical stickers affixed. It was fairly unpleasant fighting our way through the crowds though. I'm tempted to wear spiked plate mail next year, or perhaps carry tasers in both hands, John Woo-style.

It actually snowed here today, and being the tourists we are, Katie and I leapt about with joy and went for a nice big wander in all the drifting whiteness. All the locals thought we were complete idiots, apart from the dogs, who were going crazy just like we were. Snow's pretty rare in Vancouver, so we enjoyed it while we could. The weather turned to rain and washed it all away a few hours later, anyway.