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Himeji Castle

It's All Happening

I'm back in Brisbane and oh yes, the weather is beautiful. I slept most of my two connecting flights home from London, but the jetlag monster keeps leaping from the shadows and knocking me unconscious anyway. No respect for a man when he's eating his damn spaghetti.

As well as the jetlag, I've had the misfortune to have a wisdom tooth flare up badly in my first few days here, leaving me moaning in pain and considering a prosthetic head. The dentist assures me its removal is the only way to prevent an Old Testament-style torrent of pain and despair, but I'll see if I can soldier on until I have a job that can pay for his shoeprint on the side of my face.

I'm currently staying in Redcliffe, about 45 minutes out of Brisbane city. It reminds me of the Gold Coast, with wide, quiet roads and the scent of the sea constantly carried on the breeze. I can feel my visual palette adjusting from the 256 greys of London to the millions of greens and blues of this lovely place. They even have an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet every Thursday night, at a local restaurant within walking distance. I'll have to find a gym, or I'll be a blimp by Christmas.

Quite unexpectedly, I found myself in possession of a Nokia 7650 phone. Apart from having a built-in digital camera, this crazy toy can do picture messaging and even runs Java. I'm quite enjoying playing with it, but I have a feeling that the funkiest stuff is only usable if someone else is paying the bills, which just isn't the case for me.

My internet connection in Redcliffe is painfully slow, so I haven't really replied to my emails. Hopefully I'll mooch some broadband sometime soon, so I can catch up with you all.