To Whom It May Concern
Katie has held the position of Partner in our firm for nearly two years now, and I am truly sorry to see her go. It has been a distinct pleasure to have her as part of our team, and she will be sorely missed. Katie is a charming, warm young woman who is highly sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. She is a dedicated worker, a great organizer, and is always ready to help teammates who are caught up in stressful situations. Her design choices for our home office location have been thoughtful and creative, and have added greatly to the time we have spent there.
In her time with us, she has taught our staff many things about work relationships, international customs, the opening of one's mind to new concepts, meditation, relaxation techniques and the care and feeding of large animals. She can even maintain a positive outlook in the face of management's overwhelming nocturnal flatulence. If you would like to talk to me further about Katie's skills, talents and work habits, please feel free to contact me at this email address.