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About Hamfisted

My name is Hamish, and this is my website. It's mostly a blog / link bucket, but there's a few other sections on topics I consider interesting. It's also a good place to tinker with web technologies. The current iteration of the site is hosted as a static site on Amazon S3.

The HTML, CSS, JS etc is a few years old now and really needs a rewrite.

The first version of this site was called Recycled News, since about the only thing I ever posted was news recycled from other websites. I got a little bit more creative with the next version, H-Filter, but the constant badgering from microfluidic scientists wore me down. So I finally settled on Hamfisted, because it sounded naughty.


About Me

Suspiciously happy I'm a web developer living in Sydney, Australia. I live and breathe technology, both at work and at home, although I'm also into books, videogames, movies, music and sport.

Although I was born in New Zealand, I grew up in Australia, on Queensland's sunny Gold Coast. I lived in Brisbane for a while, but the travel bug bit and I headed off to London, England for a few great years of travel and excitement. After that it was over to Vancouver, Canada for more good times, then a final move back to Sydney to settle down.

Most of my programming work has been web based, covering various open source stacks, Microsoft products, Adobe Coldfusion and even a smattering of Java. These days I tend to run teams and architect systems, although I always keep my hand in.

If you want to ask me a question, send through a link or just say hi, you can email me at:

Alternately, you can find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ or Flickr.